Navigating Panic Disorder: Understanding, Coping and Supporting

Navigating Panic Disorder:  Understanding, Coping and Supporting

We regularly encounter stressful and challenging situations that can heighten our anxiety or fear. But sometimes, an experience can be particularly overwhelming, and our bodies react instinctively with a physical and emotional intensity that kickstarts our fight-or-flight response. Because of intrusive thoughts, it’s suddenly hard to breathe; we feel our heart racing or that we’re having chest pains and start sweating. Detached from our surroundings, while consumed by racing thoughts and a sense of impending doom, we feel like we’ve lost control. Panic attacks are highly distressing and disruptive.

When panic attacks begin to occur repeatedly, however, the person experiencing them might start to be consumed with worry about the potential and unpredictable nature of future episodes, so much so that the fear of that possibility begins to affect their behaviour and lifestyle significantly. This is known as panic disorder. In these situations, where a pattern of recurring panic attacks develops, it is essential to seek professional help.

In this article, we’ll look at the concept of a panic attack versus panic disorder. Not everyone who experiences a panic attack will have panic disorder, but those with panic disorder will often experience repeated panic attacks. Panic attacks can occur with any anxiety disorder as well as other mental disorders (e.g., PTSD, substance use disorders, depressive disorders) and some medical conditions (e.g., cardiac, gastrointestinal, respiratory, vestibular). We’ll explore the relationship with agoraphobia, discuss some treatment options and coping strategies that can help support someone with greater empathy and understanding. From there, we’ll also address how veterans can be at increased risk of developing panic disorder and share resources that are essential to creating a supportive environment and helping to destigmatize mental health concerns.

What is panic disorder?

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), panic disorder can be diagnosed when someone frequently experiences recurring and unexpected panic attacks and is persistently worried about having more panic attacks or changes their behaviour in maladaptive ways because of the panic attacks (e.g., avoidance of exercise or of unfamiliar locations). (1) Panic disorder is not the same as an anxiety or a panic attack, though both can be elements of this type of mental health condition.

Anxiety Panic Attack Panic Disorder
Feeling uneasy A sudden, intense surge of fear   Repeated, unexpected, and unpredictable panic attacks.
Constant worry about having future panic attacks can heighten anxiety.
Intense and overwhelming feeling of losing control.Persistent fear that something terrible will happen during a panic attack.
Example: You might feel anxious before taking a test or making an important decision. Example: You might experience a panic attack if you are afraid of heights and go on a Ferris wheel. Example: You might be experiencing panic disorder if, during a panic attack, you feel intense physical and emotional symptoms. Your pulse might start pounding so intensely that you begin to think you are having a heart attack. It could lead to waves of successive or simultaneous panic attacks where you start to feel short of breath and dizzy or begin to sweat and have abdominal pain.   You may be unable to determine the cause of your panic attacks because no obvious danger could have triggered them.   You will often start to worry about when the next attack will happen. There could be more today, this week, or this month.

Panic disorder can make daily life challenging and can affect a person’s comfort with social interaction. They may prefer to stay within what they determine to be a safer environment where they are close to exits and have ways to escape a situation if a panic attack does happen. There may be a lot of pre-planning for outings, so they feel prepared by having medication or trusted friends and family members nearby.  What someone with panic disorder is experiencing is real and should never be thought of as an overreaction.

It’s important to note that not everyone who has experienced anxiety or had a panic attack will go on to develop panic disorder. It’s estimated that:

  • While up to 1/3 of Canadian adults may have a panic attack, about 4% of them will experience panic disorder in their lifetime (2)

  • Up to 11% of people in the US experience a panic attack (3)

  • Approximately 2-3% of them have panic disorder (4)

  • Onset often occurs in the late teens and early twenties (5)

  • It often affects women more than men (6)

Signs and Symptoms

Panic attacks can vary in their abrupt peak of intense fear or intense discomfort and peak in intensity within a few minutes. (7) People can experience physical symptoms like:

  • Racing heart
  • Shortness of breath
  • Trembling
  • Chest pain
  • Dizziness
  • Sweating

Emotionally, someone may feel intense fear, impending doom or like they have lost control. It’s important to note that for the person going through a panic attack, their perception of time can be distorted, making the experience feel much longer.

With panic disorder, frequency, intensity, and duration help determine different degrees and classifications of symptoms: (8)

Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4
A single panic attack. Frequent panic attacks (without depression). Regular and recurring attacks with the gradual development of additional symptoms such as anticipatory anxiety, general anxiety, or agoraphobia. Recurring panic attacks with additional symptoms, including depression.

The Relationship with Agoraphobia

Agoraphobia is intense anxiety because of thoughts about being in situations or places where it can be difficult to leave or get help. The spaces are usually either open “such as parking lots, marketplaces, bridges) or enclosed, “such as tunnels, small rooms and elevators,” as well as “supermarkets, shopping malls and other crowded places,” including public transportation and unfamiliar environments. (9) People experiencing agoraphobia can feel trapped, helpless, or embarrassed as the worry that they may experience a panic attack overwhelms them. In some cases, someone experiencing panic disorder with agoraphobia “may not be able to leave the house.” (10) While symptoms of agoraphobia can exist without experiencing a panic attack, with panic disorder, there is no apparent reason for the agoraphobia to be present.

Veterans and Panic Disorder

Veterans can be at increased risk of developing panic disorder and substance use disorder due to the nature of their roles and exposure to combat, traumatic experiences and heightened general stress they experience during deployment. Programs like the Guardians Program,, at the Homewood Health Centre can offer specialized mental health support for veterans.

Treatment Options

There are a few treatment approaches that are effective to help with panic disorder. Working with a doctor is the best place to start, as they can help you understand what might work well and consider combinations that could provide relief more rapidly.

Psychotherapy Medication Complementary and Alternative Therapies
Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT)Helps identify symptoms and triggers, plus develop ways to cope and change behaviours.   Exposure Therapy Helps address associations between fears and bad outcomes to help manage anxious feelings. Depending on which medications your doctor might recommend, relief can happen within a few weeks. Some medicines may take longer to see improvements. Your doctor will discuss possible side effects and work to find a medication that works. Art therapy Breath training   Both types of treatment can be helpful. Because they help reduce stress, plus develop calm and healthy mindfulness and self-regulation techniques when you practice them.   Sometimes, these methods are easier for people to use to help them complete any ‘homework’ from psychotherapy treatment.

Coping Strategies

Meditation and lifestyle choices such as prioritizing better sleep, regular exercise, a balanced diet and limiting alcohol intake, plus maintaining social connections, are always good ways to cope with life’s stressful situations. Some specific techniques can be helpful to try when experiencing anxiety or panic attacks:

  • Breathing and relaxation techniques can help regulate the body’s stress response by introducing a rhythm that helps calm our automatic nervous system responses and reduce anxiety.
  • The 555 breathing technique involves inhaling for a count of 5, holding the breath for a count of 5 and then exhaling for a count of 5.
  • Box breathing is similar in that it involves inhaling for a specific count, holding the breath for the exact count, and exhaling for the same count. With box breathing, you add a counted pause before starting the cycle. Practitioners sometimes suggest envisioning a box shape to complete the technique.
  • Mindfulness practices that help focus on sensory awareness and offer grounding can also help during a panic attack and promote overall well-being. These exercises can help shift attention away from anxious thoughts.
  • The 333 sensory awareness technique involves identifying and acknowledging three things you can see, three things you can hear, and three things you can touch in your immediate surroundings.
  • The 54321 technique is similar but includes even more sensory awareness. You focus on naming five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell and one thing you can taste.

 How to Support Someone During a Panic Attack

  1.  Understand the nature of a panic attack and remember you are there to support someone experiencing one.
  2. Remain calm and provide reassurance, emphasizing that the panicked feelings will pass. Talk using short sentences.
  3. Encourage the person to use coping strategies that they may have learned in therapy or that you are aware of, like mindful breathing and grounding techniques. Even simply helping them count slowly aloud to ten can help slow their heart rate and make them more responsive.

Developing awareness and understanding of panic disorder is crucial to fostering compassion, being supportive and eliminating stigma around mental health. Knowing some signs and symptoms can help all of us create a better sense living in a supportive community.


1. American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Anxiety disorders. Retrieved January 12, 2024 from Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.).

2. Canadian Mental Health Association – British Columbia Division (n.d.). Panic Disorder. CMHC BC. Retrieved January 1, 2024 from

3. Cleveland Clinic (medically reviewed) (2023 Feb 12). Panic Attacks & Panic Disorder. Cleveland Clinic. Retrieved January 1, 2024 from…

4. Ibid.

5. Burke D., and Collins D. (medically reviewed) (2022 Feb 23). A guide to Panic Attacks and Panic Disorder. healthline. Retrieved January 1, 2024 from

6. Ibid.

7. American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Anxiety disorders. Retrieved January 12, 2024 from Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.).

8. Takeuchi, T. et al. (2022 March). Four clinical types of panic disorders – Abstract. National Library of Medicine. Retrieved January 1, 2024 from…

9. Antony, M. Ph.D. (2002). Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia. St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton. Retrieved January 1, 2024 from…

10. Ibid.


Good Food, Good Mood: The Link Between Nutrition and Mental Health

Good Food, Good Mood: The Link Between Nutrition and Mental Health

Our brains are hungry. In fact, brain cells are by far the hungriest cells in our bodies. They make up only 2% of our body weight, but use about 20% of the food energy we take in. And that energy goes toward our mental health as much as our physical health.

Many of us have experienced the close link between nutrition and mental health when we get “hangry,” that hunger-fueled mix of anger and irritability that consumes us when we skip a meal or forget to pack a snack.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. In fact, nutrition has a crucial role to play in protecting and improving our mental health, or even helping us manage a mental illness such as depression, anxiety, or trauma.

For the past five years, Marianne Bloudoff, BSc, a registered dietitian, has made nutrition and mental health the focus of her work at Homewood Ravensview, a private mental health and addiction treatment centre on Vancouver Island, British Columbia.

“A well-nourished brain is more focused, better able to handle stressors, and ensures a more stable mood,” Bloudoff explained. “You need those building blocks to create a foundation for the recovery journey.”

In this article, she explains the link between nutrition and mental health, and shares some of her tips for using nutrition to support better mental health.

From good food to good mood

Food components help the body create neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin (the so-called “happy hormones”), which alleviate anxiety and depression and boost mental health.

These neurotransmitters are sensitive to food intake, so changes in our eating patterns can have effects on behavior, sleep, and energy levels. The way we eat can also improve the effectiveness of medications, including antidepressants.

The food we eat can also help our mental health by ensuring that we build a healthy microbiome. This is what we call the 100 trillion bacteria—some helpful, some harmful—that can be found in the gut. When we eat probiotics and fermented foods that contain healthy bacteria (yogurt and kimchi are two examples), we can create a healthier, more resilient microbiome. This, in turn, creates a healthy feedback loop between our bodies and minds. Good food produces a good mood, and that in turn reduces the stress that can disrupt our digestive processes and prevent our gut from absorbing and metabolizing nutrients. As an interesting example of this phenomenon, Bloudoff pointed out that 26% of people with anxiety disorders have a digestive condition called irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Simplifying good nutrition for mental health

Mental health can complicate nutrition. When people are depressed, they may not have an appetite or the energy to source and prepare healthy foods. ADHD can make it difficult to plan, shop for, or prepare meals. Substance abuse can add another layer of difficulty to the issue.

But that doesn’t mean good nutrition has to be complicated. In fact, Bloudoff tries to make it as simple as possible for her patients to eat nutritious diets by making sure her recommendations take into account their unique needs and lifestyle.

“Every patient is different, so it’s about finding what works for the person,” she explained. “What is their reality? What kind of food can they afford? What do they have access to? What’s culturally appropriate for them? What do they like? Are they feeding just themselves or a whole family? Do they have allergies? What do they know how to prepare? One person might live in a big city close to a supermarket. Another might live in a rural area where they fish or hunt.”

By taking into account the individual’s broader context, including their background, geography, culture, family status, strengths and capabilities, community support, and more, she can ensure the foods she recommends to her patients will be easier and more intuitive for them to source, prepare, and enjoy.

Eat these key nutrients for brain health

While there’s no universal diet for good mental health, there are specific nutrients that everyone needs to ensure they consume in order to lay the groundwork for a healthier body and mind.

Omega-3 fats

Omega-3 fats can be found in oily fish, such as salmon and sardines, and plant sources such as walnuts, flax seeds, and chia seeds. Omega-3 fats build brain cell membranes, reduce inflammation, and promote new brain cell formation, which can improve mood and memory, and reduce the occurrence of brain disorders.

Complex carbohydrates

These can be found in whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables, and our bodies break them down slowly so they deliver energy consistently over a longer period of time. Eating meals or snacks that include complex carbs every three to five hours can contribute to a more stable, happy mood.


You’ll find B vitamins in meat, dairy, eggs, whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds, and leafy green vegetables, while vitamin D can be found in eggs, meat, and oily fish. Deficiencies in vitamin B12 can cause depression, irritability, agitation, psychosis, and decrease antidepressant response, while deficiencies in vitamin D have been found in people with depression, seasonal affective disorder, and schizophrenia.


Iron, magnesium, and zinc are all minerals associated with brain health. Iron stimulates brain development and protects against dementia, while magnesium is associated with improved sleep, and both magnesium and zinc help to protect against depression. Meat, fish, beans, nuts, seeds, and leafy greens are good sources of iron, while pumpkin and flax seeds, almonds, cashews, avocado, tofu, spinach, swiss chard, and black beans all contain magnesium. Zinc can be found in oysters, crab, beef, pork, chicken, and beans.


Antioxidants include vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenoids, and flavonoids, which can be found in all fruits and vegetables. These nutrients help the brain fight oxidative damage and neural inflammation by preventing harmful free radicals from forming. This helps to protect the brain against neurodegenerative disorders, anxiety, and depression.

Amino acids

Tryptophan is an amino acid needed to produce serotonin, a neurotransmitter that promotes sleep, calmness, and relaxation. Another amino acid, tyrosine, is needed to create the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine, which create feelings of pleasure and improve motivation, alertness, and focus. Tryptophan and tyrosine can both be found in protein-rich foods including nuts, seeds, tofu, cheese, yogurt, meat, fish, beans, lentils, and eggs.


You may not think of it as a nutrient, but water is essential to healthy brain function. In fact, a mere 1% drop in hydration is associated with a 5% drop in cognitive function, while a 2% drop can cause short-term memory impairment and difficulty focusing. Drinking enough water and getting hydration from other food and beverage sources helps us stay alert.

Being nourished as well as fed

The connection between nutrition and mental health goes beyond getting enough of the right nutrients. It has emotional, social, and cultural dimensions that can nourish us in deep and meaningful ways, and Bloudoff said these aspects are just as important to our mental health. That’s why she stresses the importance of eating for enjoyment, meaning, and connection.

“The foods we choose and our eating experiences also impact our emotional health,” Bloudoff explained. “We have emotional and cultural connections to food, and we connect with others over food.”

Eat together

Eating with others has many benefits, including building social connections with family, friends, coworkers and exploring new foods you might not normally try.

“Whether it’s the classic, nuclear-family meals on Sunday night or meeting up with friends for coffee and a snack, these are ways to foster emotional and mental health.”

Eat for pleasure

Including foods we enjoy in our diets can promote positive emotions, and it also motivates us to seek food out regularly enough that we stay nourished and energetic. Cultural or traditional foods, especially, can help us strengthen personal and cultural connections as well as delivering important sources of key nutrients.

“Food is more than just fuel. When it’s pleasurable, culturally appropriate, and meaningful, it’s going to make you feel good on more levels than just the physical.”

A vital piece of the puzzle

Recovery is a complex and multifaceted process, and nutrition is one of many aspects that impact mental wellness. At Homewood Ravensview, Bloudoff works alongside physicians, nurses, psychiatrists, therapists, addictions counsellors, occupational therapists, and recreation, horticulture, music, and art therapists. But good nutrition can set the stage for success across the wellness journey.

“Nutrition doesn’t replace therapy or medications, but they all work together holistically,” she explained. ” Medications don’t work properly if you don’t have adequate nutrition. Therapy may not be as effective if you’re not feeding your brain so you can give it your focus and energy. Nutrition is one of those foundational pieces that help us do all the things that are important from a mental health perspective.”