For almost 140 years, Homewood has been a leader in care for clients suffering from issues relating to trauma and post-traumatic stress. Homewood Ravensview offers expert, world-class services to help address trauma-related challenges and set you on a path toward recovery.

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Trauma and Post-traumatic Stress treatment at Ravensview

Homewood Ravensview offers programs that are designed to treat complex trauma and/or post-traumatic stress, with or without the presence of other co-occurring conditions. This includes programs that have been specifically designed to treat occupational stress injury, first responders, uniformed workers and clients with complex trauma histories.

Our interdisciplinary team conducts a comprehensive diagnostic assessment for each individual and develops a recommended care program that includes goal setting and orientation to programming. Stabilization includes education regarding post-traumatic stress, grounding, containment skills and resiliency building.

The program provides: medically-focused, physician-led, interdisciplinary care that addresses physical, psychological, and social aspects; a therapeutic community where clients assist other clients in recovery and where issues such as fear, anger, and shame can be addressed; and expertise through a multi-disciplinary team of experts, such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, nurses, social workers and other clinicians who have extensive experience in dealing with trauma symptoms.

What is Trauma?

The word ‘trauma’ has a number of meanings and implications. Trauma may be defined as "experiencing or witnessing a distressing event that falls outside of the normal realm of experience and may be interpreted as threatening in some way to one’s life, physical or psychological integrity, such as accidents, natural disasters, crimes, abuse or other violent events." Trauma may also be defined through the strong emotional reaction to a traumatic event. In many cases, the person recovers from this emotional distress within a few days or weeks. However, some develop a more prolonged reaction that prevents them from resuming their optimal quality of full functioning.

What is Post-traumatic Stress?

Post-traumatic stress can occur in adults, adolescents, and children in response to one or more traumatic events. Traumatic events are defined as the experience of exposure to death or a life-threatening or severely violent experience; although sometimes people do not see the connection between the trauma and their post-traumatic stress symptoms until they have entered treatment. Some people who experience trauma do not ever develop post-traumatic stress, but those who do, may experience some or all of the following symptoms:

  • Flashbacks, unpleasant memories and/or nightmares about the traumatic event
  • Attempting to avoid reminders of the event including avoiding places, people or things associated with the trauma
  • Negative and unrealistic thoughts caused by the trauma including the inability to remember details of the event and strong negative core beliefs such as “I am a bad person and deserve this negative event” or “No one in the world can ever be trusted”
  • Strong negative emotions such as fear, anger, guilt and shame
  • Feeling detached or disconnected from reality
  • Difficulty feeling positive emotions on a daily basis

People with post-traumatic stress may also have behavioural concerns, such as violent or angry outbursts, reckless or destructive behaviour and difficulty concentrating or sleeping. A person with post-traumatic stress may not display all of these symptoms, but rather any number or combination of symptoms that are strong enough to cause significant emotional problems or challenges with daily living. Homewood Ravensview offers a number of proven, evidence-based treatments for post-traumatic stress.

Specialized Programs

Homewood Ravensview offers specialized trauma/post-traumatic stress programming for adults, first responders and military, young adults and additional support for the families of those affected. Each program has been meticulously developed with each audience in mind, including the specific challenges and obstacles they may face on their journey to recovery.

A lot of adults have experienced trauma, because by the time individuals reach adulthood, they have accumulated numerous life experiences which often include stressful and traumatic events. Assessment of trauma symptoms, including post-traumatic stress, is done at the beginning of treatment, and throughout treatment in the Cornerstone Program. For adults, sometimes traumatic events are remembered, or uncovered during treatment. Because we use the strongest evidence-based treatment for trauma and post-traumatic stress, these individuals are streamed into treatment groups that help them resolve trauma experiences.

The Guardians Program at Ravensview, offers first responders and military leading, evidence-based treatment for post-traumatic stress. Treatment is delivered in groups comprised only of first responders and military—their experiences are unique and they often experience similar types of traumatic events in their work. Because of these shared experiences, these specific groups are an extremely powerful and important part of treatment.

Like depression, trauma is a key aspect that influences a young adult’s development. Unprocessed or unhealed trauma can hinder a young person’s development and their ability to progress and live a meaningful life. Because of this, each and every young adult is assessed for trauma and post-traumatic stress, and if needed, they receive the strongest evidence-based trauma treatment in the My Path Program. Treatment groups include others who are at the same stage of life development.

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