Top 5 Tips to Motivate Someone with an Addiction, Towards Treatment

1. Empathize, don’t criticize. Every time you point a finger, you could be pushing your loved one farther away. Ask questions and listen.There is great power in a supportive loved one communicating with empathy and without judgement.

2. Be firm but fair. Specify some ground rules. Make it clear to them that you will not support their addictive behaviour, and try to set healthy boundaries. With these boundaries in place, they may just be motivated enough to start thinking about quitting.

3. Tell them how you feel. Sometimes, a person living with addiction may not realize how their behaviour has affected you and others in their life. Don’t be afraid to share your feelings with them; doing so could show a significant level of care and support.

4. Use “I” statements. As you express your emotions to your loved one, make sure not to point fingers or fault toward them. They already suffer from their own guilt and shame, so you may risk them shutting down completely. Rather than passing blame and telling them what they did, turn it back around to you. Making statements using “I feel” instead of “you” can help promote healthy communication.

5. Address their fears. A huge factor in resisting treatment is fear of the unknown. Hop onto our site and educate yourself. Knowledge is power when it’s time to have that conversation.