After completing your stay at Ravensview, we provide additional support to help you manage and sustain a healthy recovery. We believe an effective treatment program includes professionally managed services available after program completion that are focused on recovery management, reintegration into the community and relapse prevention.

Want to learn more about recovery management at Ravensview?Contact us today at 1-866-203-1793 or reach out online

Recovery management at Ravensview

Recovery management at Homewood Ravensview enables clients to gain stability and manage their lives again through continuous education, support and skills building.

Recovery is an ongoing process of managing day-to-day triggers to prevent relapse, while building upon experiences to support continued improvement in your mental and physical health.

Studies show there is an increase in successful recovery outcomes when one is willing and able to participate in some form of aftercare treatment.

With 140-years of experience, we are Canada’s leader in the delivery of mental health, trauma, concurrent disorders and addiction treatment. Homewood Ravensview offers immediate access to evidence-based medical and clinical treatment and aftercare that leads to an effective and sustained recovery.

Ongoing support after program completion

All treatment programs at Ravensview include:

  • Structured aftercare planning adapted to each clients’ needs led by qualified, experienced and trained clinicians including plans for skill building, reconnecting and sustaining recovery
  • Recovery management support group
  • Membership in the Homewood Alumni Program, providing a virtual support hub of materials for ongoing learning.

Additional recovery management services are available and may be recommended including:

  • Individual one-on-one counselling
  • Step-down programming
  • Substance-use monitoring

Trauma recovery

Trauma recovery management programs provide the professional support and guidance required to manage challenges and triggers that lead to relapse or regression. The program also helps develop problem solving and coping skills for re-entry into daily life, and provides ongoing connection to the therapeutic approach, skills and tools gained during initial treatment.

Mental health recovery

With a focus on mood management and ongoing recovery from conditions such as severe anxiety and depression, mental health recovery management programs helps clients understand how to make informed decisions, overcome negative thinking, improve problem solving and coping skills, and return to daily life.

Addiction recovery

Addiction recovery programs provide therapeutic homework and clients are encouraged to use the skills learned in treatment in their daily life. In addition to group sessions, participants will have individual check-ins with clinicians as needed with therapeutic testing done on a monthly basis.

Looking for Additional Support?

Protect your mental health and promote long-term success following inpatient treatment with online counselling. Access online group, step-down or intensive outpatient therapy options from the comfort of your home to address:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Trauma
  • Relationship issues
  • Insomnia